Monday, December 20, 2010

More of Prosperity and Al Salam Palace

 I'm not kidding.
 There are a bunch of patios with fireplaces around the lakes.

 We even have a fire department.
 Some of my unit playing volleyball against the Italian police.

 This little rodent was in the tree in front of my house eating seeds.

 I think it's a wild hamster.

 Taken from the second floor of the palace.
 When this building was in use by the American military, they ran  AC and electrical and communication lines everywhere.  They also made plywood build outs for offices and living spaces.
 This looks ornate, but the designs are all made of wall paper.  It looks like there used to be a chandelier here.

 There are several of these murals throughout the second floor.

 Some of the build outs.
 A collapsed ceiling from the bombing.

 This showes the level of workmanship.  Concrete poured into forms with broken bricks tossed in to cut costs.  This building was built during a time of UN sanctions.

 These murals are of American aggression toward Iraq.  The bombs falling have "USA" inscribed on them.

 This one has US bombs falling on women and children.

 A bathroom.
 This is where a tub used to be.
 I like this notice, "Surprise!  You're a grown up, act like it!"
 A mangled archway.

 The rubble on the floor is from the ceiling that collapsed from the bombing

 These bridges were built to enable people working in the palace to cross the enormous holes left by the bombs.

 The old theater.
 During the surge, space was at such a premium that people put desks in the bath tubs to use as workspaces.
 A row of sinks looted and broken.
 As I said. . .

 I think this must have been the recruiting office.

 On the roof at dusk.

 A poor picture of the building I was on previously.

 It looked like there was a fire on top of the dome at the Iraqi army HQ.  I never heard what the deal was.

 A closer picture of that enormous mosque.

 I think this was a ballroom or atreum on top of the roof.
I'll get better pictures eventually, these are pretty dark.  This is inside the domed atreum room.

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