Sunday, November 21, 2010

Ground Rules

Welcome to my little blog.  I've decided that this is probably the easiest way to keep everyone up to date on what I'm doing and about my small adventures.  I don't want to post a bunch of pictures on Facebook for operational security reasons.  Obviously I won't post anything that is classified.  It's just that you never know who to trust or who is looking.  Nothing on the internet is truly secure.  That said, this blog will not come up in a search engine and is not listed on this website.  Only people who are invited  can see it.  What I'm getting at is this, if I wanted this stuff up on Facebook or anywhere else I would have put it there.  Please respect that and don't post any pictures found here anywhere else.  Besides, I don't want to answer questions about what I'm doing that are posed by some long forgotten "friend" from Facebook.

Are we all in agreement? Good then

The internet in Iraq isn't great and it takes quite a bit of time to upload pictures.  I'll work on it as I have time, but we are in the middle of our RIP (Relief In Place) with the unit we are replacing and I'm very busy.

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